No matter how much time we think we have left there is always that one gift whether it is a stocking filler or an entire gift that we have left to buy that leaves us under a bit of pressure to decide what this perfect gift will be for our loved one. With this in mind, we have put together a guide of our favourite pieces which we think will make the perfect stocking filler or a last-minute gift.
You can never go wrong with buying a shirt for a man at Christmas time as you can rest assured that he will have the opportunity to wear it. Whether that’s when going out for a meal, visiting friends or family or going for a night out. Our favourites are by A Fish Named Fred. These shirts are funky and stylish and have a way of elevating any outfit. The shirts are also very good quality which will last for years to come.
Caps have really made a comeback in recent years and we can see why. They add an extra special touch to any outfit and are super stylish. They will keep you warm and are so much more dressy than wearing a beanie so when going to an event where you want to look like you have put more effort in but still stay warm a cap makes the perfect gift, especially for this time of year as there are so many reasons to put in that extra effort when planning your outfits. Are favourites are by Stetson.
Another gift idea which is perfect for this time of year is a scarf. Scarves are very practical pieces of clothing but can often be overlooked as stylish. As you can see from the way we have styled this scarf by Weaver & Wilde above it adds an extra touch and really ties the outfit together by bringing out the shade of blue in the knitted jumper which may have gone unnoticed if the scarf wasn’t included.
Knitted Jumpers
Another piece you can never go wrong with gifting your loved ones with at Christmas is a knitted jumper. Similar to a shirt they will get so much wear out of it and it can be worn all year round and styled in many different ways. Layering was a huge trend in 2022 and as you can see how we styled the jumper above it worked perfectly for this trend. We have a large collection of knitwear both in-store and online which you can check out here.
Bow ties, ties, braces, pocket squares, cufflinks you name it we’ve got it. Another excellent gift to gift the man in your life with this Christmas is accessories. Accessories have a way of customizing an outfit and giving it a whole new look which is great for a suit that he may have owned for a number of years which is still in perfect condition but just needs a new lease of life. The majority of our accessory collection is in-store but you can also view what we have online here.
Lounge Wear
Last but by no means least is loungewear. There is no better feeling than relaxing at home with your friends and family in a comfortable outfit, eating your favourite foods surrounded by Christmas lights. Just because you want to feel comfortable doesn’t mean you can’t look stylish by doing so. One of our favourite loungewear sets is the one featured above by Boss but we also have a large collection both in-store and online.
For more Christmas Gift ideas or daily Christmas outfit inspiration follow us on Instagram at @hanley.ie